They were:
- The Job Description (Why is Physics used in this Career)
- Concept-Development Practice Page 25-3 (Wave Superposition)
The next thing that Ms.Kozoriz handed to us was a new booklet entitled "Waves in Two Dimensions," and also an Excercises sheet. We must read pages 3-4 in the booklet. And after she handed that to us she explained that "Wave fronts are always perpendicular to wave rays." And here is a picture I made on paint that she drew on the board. =).
- The Red Square shows that it is perpendicular
- The Grey Dashed Arrow is the Wave Ray
- The Black Lines are the Wave Fronts
- The space inside the Wave Fronts is the Wavelength or Lambda
And that was pretty much it that we did in class. Ahahaha I thought scribing would be harder but it isn't =/ ahaha. Well anyways that is it. OH and I forgot that you need to be bring:
- Protractors
- Rulers
Because we would be making lots of pictures and such. So I will end my scribe here, and next scribe knows who they are so yeah. See you all in class. XD
good job ryan rara!
you're a fast scriber! i wasn't expecting a post until like.. 9 at night like everyone else.
Great post. You did a better diagram than I did :))
i thought you said you are going to do this right after class...what happen???lol
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