Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hey Everyone! I'm Anthony Lee and I'll be your scribe today! There are two Anthony's in our class so please dont get me confused with the other one :). Since we didn't do much except correct questions 5-13 on the back of our booklet "WAVES IN TWO DIMENSIONS." So this will be short and sweet.

This diagram shows that when a water wave hits a barrier, the one with the bigger wavelength will diffract more. So to answer question 5 the answer is "Situation B" shows the greatest diffraction.
6. The ocean wave with a 200m wavelength

7.. THe D note (294 Hz) will be heard more clearly because the frequency is lower therefore having a bigger wavelength.

8. The orange light (610nm)

a) Red light (700 nm)
b) Red light (700 nm)
10. 400m wave crests

a) 10000Hz
b) 10000Hz

a) The 2nd nodal to the left of prependicular bisector is the orange line
b) It is destructive interence at the point of the square
c) square is located on nodal line 4
d) (4.0)(6 wavelengths)= 24 cm
a) (16 cm - 15 cm) = (1-1/2) ﮑ
1 cm = 1/2 ﮑ
2 cm = ﮑ
b) V = f ﮑ
= (4.0 Hz)(2 cm)
= 8 cm/s
*Reminder* For those who are having trouble with diffraction just remember that when wave length is wider the diffraction will be greater, and if frequency is lower the diffraction will be greater.
Well this is about all we did, except we were given a review but that will be corrected tomorrow so we can let the next scribe worry about it. AND THE PERSON I CHOOSE FOR NEXT SCRIBE IS ALEX SHARP! cya all in class tomorrow!

1 comment:

Ms K said...

Great job Anthony. Thanks for posting.