Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Hello guys, it's suzette!

I'm gonna make this short. Today, we just talked about the "Experiment and Modes of Representation". It can be found in the green booklet. This topic is about the different ways in which the relationship between two variables can be illustrated or represented--it includes the numeric, graphical, visual, and symbolic forms.

The Visual Mode

Ex. Adding weights to spring causes it to stretch. The more weight is added, the more it will stretch. Therefore, it is a qualitative observation--what we see is what we get.

The Numerical Mode

In the numerical mode of representation, to be able to collect data, we must define the properties of the object (s) we are measuring and use measurements. Then, the data can be examined to determine the exact relationship.

The relationship can be determined by the two variables:
1. Independent - variable that the experimenter changes in an experiment.
2. Dependent - variable that changes is response to changes in the independent.

The Graphical Mode

The graphical mode is a mathematical picture of the relationship and is a graph of the data. In this mode, the independent variable is placed on the y-axis (horizontal line) of a graph. On the other hand, the dependent variable is place on the x-axis (vertical line). When you have data, you just plot them on the graph and draw a line, joining the points together. Usually, when a graph is formed, it illustrates a linear or direct relationship between the x and y-axis on the graph.

The Symbolic Mode

The symbolic mode represents the relationship as an algebraic formula. The equation of a straight line is y=mx+b. The "m" represents the slope of the line. "B" represents the y-intercept.

For more information, see green booklet pages 8-10.


Today, we also did lab. It's just measuring jar lids (measuring diameter and the circumference). Then when enough data is gathered, we're supposed to create a graph to show the relationship between the diameter and the circumference of the lids. Then we just answer the questions written on the sheet. All the information are basically on the sheet so yeah....

It's due tomorrow!

and that is all....

I apologize for lack of information. =)

the next scribe is REBECCA

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